Monday, November 28, 2011

Squish Squash

Here's a short animation I did a couple of months ago. Only just got round to line-testing it and saving it out so here's the rough! 

There is much that I could improve on but I really can't be bothered. I may clean it up and colour it at some point. Just adjusting the timing on another scene at the moment though!

Here is the drawing I briefly mentioned in the last post. It was a birthday gift for one of my best friends (and flatmate) and she really loved it!

Me on the left and Louise on the right on top of a very... uh... "stylised" version of our flat. :P

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Recent things.

I recently did a commission for one of my best friends Rhiannon and her partner Dan. 

It was super fun to do and they were very happy with the end result! That's all I've really had the time and energy to work on at the moment, but I will have a lot of free time soon so hopefully I can pick up a few commissions over that period. That is, if I get my arse into gear and do something about it!

I have just completed another gift for a friend's birthday but as I haven't given it to her just yet you'll have to wait to see it. :o


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Click to view larger.

As soon as I finished it I didn't like it. But anyway. Bum!

Been feeling a lot better recently and I'm determined to be more proactive. So expect more frequent posts!

Flipbook is coming up next week which I'm super excited to go to again. Unfortunately I didn't submit any animation this time. I have nothing finished or worthy of seeing the light of day at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to produce something in time for the next one.

Hope everyone's having a great week! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Have been lacking in motivation (and happiness) lately so I haven't been drawing, animating or colouring. 
Got a bit of free time at work this week so hopefully I'll be able to get some fun things done.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ladies ladies...

Top two were done in copic marker and ink pen. The self portrait above was done with watercolour colouring-in pencils. My hair isn't blue any more but hopefully it will be again in the near future!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some sketchbookiness

From earlier in the year.

Naked boobies... sorry.

I shall try and save up to get a Moleskine sketchbook sometime. There is something about them that is just perfect (for me anyway). Just the right size and really nice paper. And it has a pocket in the back. And a strappy thingie. Hm.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I have never really tried doing the line work straight into Photoshop so I gave it a go during class today. Just a quick doodle. Not particularly interested in doing anything further with it.